If you want your business to succeed, you must have a well designed website. A great site puts you out ahead of the competition. You may not know how to do this, but this article will help you out. Use these tips when designing a website.

You want to ensure that your site has passed the NoScript test. The NoScript extension that is available for Firefox can be used to see if the site can still be read. Some content, like ordering systems, will not work properly without scripts, but when your site is completely blank when scripts are turned off, then that’s not a good sign.

As you construct your site, be conscious of the colors you use together. The text on your web pages, in particular, needs to be clear and easy to read on the colors you choose for your backgrounds. It is typically easier to see darker lettering that is set upon light backgrounds than the reverse. Ask someone to look at your color schemes to make sure you are choosing something harmonious.

Maintain normal-sized pages. Not every person using Internet has a high-speed connection, so if a site takes longer to load, they won’t be as interested in it. You do not want your page viewers to be stuck waiting for every page to download, or they may end up abandoning your site.

Be vigilant in policing your website for content that has become obsolete or outdated. If the page a viewer clicks on is promoting something that happened a year ago, you just lost a reader. Users are careful with their time and if they can tell that your site is not updated often, they will leave. Be certain to review your website on a regular basis to remove outdated items and add fresh, new content.

Try pulling images into your post to maximize engagement. Having personal pictures on your site makes your site appear more user friendly. When people see pictures they tend to spend more time looking at your site and cannot wait to click on the next picture.

Free Software

Avoid the use of pop-up advertising. Everyone hates getting pop-up after pop-up on a website. It is not unusual for some people to refuse to stay on a website, and not return either, if it contains pop-up ads. Make sure your customers are happy by eliminating these pesky ads from your site. If you are required by your hosting service to have pop-up ads, you may want to consider obtaining a new web host.

When designing a site, use free software. Do not listen to people who tell you that you can’t design and operate a website without relying on pricey software packages; you can find a free alternative for virtually every task. Finding good free software does require a bit more legwork, however.

When you design your website, avoid using a variety of different fonts. Also think about how fonts look for different people. Small serif fonts like Times New Roman can be difficult to read on small screens. Many sites prefer Verdana, which is readable in many sizes and colors.

Subject Thoroughly

Have you considered writing a newsletter? By giving your visitors an opportunity to keep current on your site offerings, you increase their loyalty. You can incorporate a form in the sidebar of the site and track users that sign up. Stay on the ethical path and only send newsletters to users who request them.

Research your subject thoroughly. When posting to your website, make sure that you have done your research. You will lose your readers if your provide them with incorrect information. Knowing your subject thoroughly will make your blog good.

Make sure you optimize your website for older Internet Explorer versions like IE7 and IE8. There are many people on the Internet who still utilize Internet Explorer. These do not render the web elements to the web standard, so there must be workarounds. Specifically, you should learn about a “box model bug” which troubled Internet Explorer for years.

Make sure your site navigation is simple, well-maintained, and transparent. Place all navigation links in areas that flow well and are easily visible so your visitors know where to go and remain on the site much longer. Your users must find the navigation of the website simple and consistent.

White is a good choice for your page background color. White backgrounds cause your content to be easily seen, and it gives your site a trustworthy feel and a more professional look. Conversely, complex backgrounds distract from your content and make your site seem much less professional. Simple is almost always the best option for background.

Do not clutter your website by using every square pixel of space that you have available. If you are using every single available pixel, the website may feel extremely cluttered. However, by leaving some space between your site’s content, you can provide your visitors with an experience that’s more comfortable. Empty space plays an important part in a good design.

Proofread all of your site’s content. People should respect your company. While you may not think errors are a big deal, many people will view it as unprofessional and will believe that you don’t care enough to get their orders or service correct either.

PhotoShop is a popular application and web designers must learn it. Dreamweaver is another option that should be considered when making a choice.

A visitor counter on the page is unattractive. It may look like you’ve added something neat to your site, but many visitors do not wish to see that. Ditch the counter and use tracking software instead.

If you are new to website design, you should start with a very basic layout. This allows you to modify the structure as you become more comfortable with design principles. You should start with the basics, then advance to the more complex functions as you improve your skills and get more experience with the entire process of web designing.

Make the content on your pages easy to read. There are differing levels at which people read and you will not want to approach all visitors as if they have had a college education. Create content that can be understood by the audience you wish to grow.

Have another person constantly test your website functionality through the entire design process. Before going on to the next feature, ask an impartial observer to comment on the one you just finished. Videos that take a while to load might not irritate you, but they might bother your users. Ask someone who has no interest in flattering you to give you an honest opinion.

If you are thinking about different topics for websites, it is important that you secure a domain name for the site, immediately. Use your creativity, and pick out a name that you want. Reserve it now before someone else does. You never know when someone else is thinking about the same name and type of website as you. Great minds often think alike.

If you plan to design multiple sites, it is wise for you to learn to work with a number of platforms. Learning many different web platforms such as Java, MySQL and PHP will only serve to make you better going forward. Whether it’s working on your own site or helping someone you know get a site off the ground, keep developing yourself into a multifaceted web designer.

As stated in the article, the best webdesign is essential when promoting your online presence. If you do it right, it will set you apart and make you stand out and succeed. Nonetheless, you must keep some specific ideas in mind as you design your site. Make sure to use the advice shared here to make a website that will be effective for your needs and your visitors’ needs.