A lot of aspiring web designers think flashy sites are eye-catching, but visitors with slower internet connections don’t like them. Most websites that do very well have a simple design that looks great, which helps visitors quickly get the information they desire. Keep reading to learn how to create a simple and clean site.

If your website is going to attract visitors, it needs to be easy to navigate. It should be painless to locate important links and other information. Menus render your website easier for users to surf. Always post the links to your primary pages on every sub-page to keep visitors on your site.

Search Box

The speed at which your web page loads is an important design factor. No visitor is going to wait more than a few seconds for your page to load, so ensure they get what they want quickly so they don’t go to your competition’s website instead.

Include some way to help visitors search for content. If visitors to your site need something specific, they look for a search box first. If your site doesn’t have one, they will probably go to a website that does. Normally, the best place to include the search box is in the upper right hand corner, as that is where most visitors look for it.

Keep page sizes down. Not everyone online has a fast connection, and if your website takes too long to load, people will lose interest. Users will be quick to leave a website that has pages that take too long to load.

Take some time to learn about shortcuts that can be used to save time. Most website design techniques have shortcuts you can use. It is even possible to find HTML codes that permit you to implement quick changes on pages without the need to upload them again.

It is imperative to replace old content with new. If you’re talking about events that happened a year ago, you are behind the times. Users will spend time on websites that are well-maintained, and the presence of your outdated information will tell them that your site it not being properly cared for. Set up a review schedule so you are able to update the content, and remove the items that have nothing to offer anymore.

Pop-ups should be given a wide swerve. Nobody appreciates new windows popping up automatically when they visit a webpage. Many people leave any website immediately if pop-ups occur, even if they’re interested in the website. Show some appreciation and respect for your customers, by avoiding annoying pop-ups. Any host which requires you to have pop-up ads is a host you don’t want to use!

Sites using Flash may look “flashy,” but they take way too long for many people to load. Knowing how to design a site simply, yet effective, is key to your online success. Use these tips to create that site that visitors aren’t distracted by.